Inside The Mind Of Today’s Leisure Traveler

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How Hoteliers Can Maximize Revenue By Tuning In To Today’s Leisure Guests

According to U.S. Travel Association data, leisure travel accounted for $761.7 billion last year and 4 out of 5 domestic trips were taken for non-business purposes – but the travel market is ever-evolving. Fuel’s 2019 Leisure Travel Trends Study taps into the mindset of more than 2,000 leisure travelers, helping hoteliers to understand how to capture more of this highly profitable market by tuning into the latest preferences and booking habits of potential guests.

Connect With These Key Takeaways

  • Where Does Travel Planning Begin?
  • How Important Is Your Website?
  • Is Your Reputation Hurting Bookings?
  • What Is The Right Social Strategy?
  • Is Technology Tripping Up Your Guests?
  • Answer These Questions And Much More…

Insights Preview

65.6% Of Your Guests Want Mobile Check In!

Mobile check-in has been gaining share in hospitality for years thanks to rising traveler demand. The technology just makes sense for the hospitality industry on both sides of the front desk, and Fuel’s data proves this with 65.6 percent of respondents wanting to check in with an app (for the under 35 crowd, that number reaches an impressive 81 percent).

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