3 New Tactics to Improve Your Hotel PPC
Google has just added some more ammo to our hotel PPC arsenal. Find out how you can deploy these 3 tactics into your PPC strategy today!
Google has just added some more ammo to our hotel PPC arsenal. Find out how you can deploy these 3 tactics into your PPC strategy today!
Following up on the last episode, where the Fueligans took a deep dive into the results of the 2018 Hospitality technology study, this week’s episode focuses on the feedback and insight that has been gathered from other technology vendors. DOWNLOAD THE 2018 HOTEL TECHNOLOGY STUDY CLICK THE PLAY BUTTON BELOW TO START LISTENING. If you…
As technology leaders in the hospitality industry, your friends at Fuel Travel, Flip.to, and StayNTouch joined forces to conduct an extensive study of hundreds of hoteliers and suppliers with a goal to learn where the industry can improve from a technology perspective. The results are compiled from 358 respondents, all of whom are involved in…
Following fast on the heels of last week’s Google announcement of the rebranding of Google AdWords to Google Ads, yesterday’s Marketing Innovations Keynote announced a plethora of new product names and new features as Google revamps their entire marketing ecosystem.There are four new campaign types rolling out within Google Ads (previously known as Google AdWords):…
Google My Business is a free and often overlooked opportunity for hotels to gain more search engine visibility. In this episode, we look at 8 thinks that you can Do Right Now to Optimize Your Google My Business Listing CLICK THE PLAY BUTTON BELOW TO START LISTENING. If you like what you hear, please…
Each year, hoteliers and suppliers from around the world gather for the annual HFTP HITEC conference and tradeshow, which is accompanied by HSMAI’s ROC event. Your Fueligan friends were in attendance and we break down what we learned at this year’s event. CLICK THE PLAY BUTTON BELOW TO START LISTENING. If you like what…
Your hotel’s marketing programs have big problems! And odds are, you don’t even know it. Today we are going to go through the 10 most common issues any hotel will find with their marketing efforts and how to fix each one. CLICK THE PLAY BUTTON BELOW TO START LISTENING. If you like what you…
Increasingly, travelers are turning to voice search on their smartphone or voice assistant for the answers to their queries. In this week’s episode of the Fuel Hotel Marketing Podcast, we break down these changes, what it means for your hotel, and give you some proactive tips to ensure that you’re prepared for the SEO-volution.With all…
These are in no particular order of importance, but they are some of the most important things you should be doing to optimize your AdWords account. We take over a lot of PPC accounts that clearly aren’t following these best practices. Here are 10 things you should be doing to run a successful hotel PPC…
Is your hotel website accessible by everyone? If not, it should be and we’re going to tell you why and precisely what you need to do in this week’s Fuel Hotel Marketing Podcast. CLICK THE PLAY BUTTON BELOW TO START LISTENING. If you like what you hear, please leave a comment below, share it…
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